Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Appeal of Virtual Reality in Entertainment Goes Beyond Gaming

Based in Los Angeles, Bill Asher has years of experience in the film production space. On the lookout for promising entertainment technologies, Bill Asher has invested in virtual reality. 

Virtual reality is expected to have a have a huge impact on entertainment in the coming years. While it is already seeing wide adoption in the video game world, it still has many other entertainment applications. Consider virtual reality movie theaters. Movie theaters such as IMAX are partnering with virtual reality headset developers and content creators to open virtual reality hubs. These hubs will combine IMAX’s cinematic appeal with virtual reality’s immersion to amplify the theater experience.

Theme park rides are another entertainment realm that is increasingly adopting virtual reality. Dedicated VR roller coasters combine real world rides with the virtual world through headsets. Consumers wear these headsets and are transported to a virtual world as they take a ride, making the experience more dynamic. 

Virtual reality will also change television consumption. Thanks to augmented reality, virtual reality’s cousin, images will be superimposed outside the TV screen, bringing the virtual world to living rooms across the country. Manufacturers will move from HD to 3D and consumers will enjoy TV programming and sports futuristically.